Life As We Know It Has Changed

So life as we know it has changed. In some respects maybe it will never return to where it was. And that might not be all bad. It seems like Mother Nature has been trying to get our attention to make some changes in our lifestyles to help the planet. We haven't really taken the hint up to now. So, maybe she stepped in and kicked out butts...hard, to get our attention. Overnight the carbon footprint is way down worldwide with less air and passenger travel. Pollution is clearing up in Chnia and other places due to fall off in factory emmisions. And the pace of life is now different and slower for most of us. Maybe we will reconnect with our souls because of this crisis. That would be a good thing.

Perhaps we would also rediscover our humanity and compassion for all people, especially the homeless, the immigrant, the sick and hungry, Maybe the outcome of all of this will be a reduction in the great disparity between the haves and haves-not; between rich and poor nations; proper health insurance for all; and an end to the hatred and racism that has raised its ugly head. As I said in my talk last Sunday, Teilhard de Chardin spoke of the noosphere around the planet that is like a collective consciousness for all the people. If that is sick then it gets reflected in nature. Maybe that is what is happening. Nature is fighting back and showing us how sick our thinking and feeling has become.This is the wake up call that we have been needing to change course. Let's heed it and cleanse our hearts and minds so that humanity will survive in a way that is more edifying.

Rev. JerryIn love and service of you all.