Valentine's Day 2020

Happy Valentine's day. I keep forgetting about my blog. At any rate I am amazed at the response that I got to the Enneagram class. This is something I first learned in 1990 in Hawaii. I find it really interesting that thirty years later is so popular, but I am not totally surprised either because it is such a great tool. I had expected maybe 20 people to sign up, instead over 70 people have atttended so far. What I love is that people feel like this tool gives them such great insight into themeselves, their spouses, the children, their parents and friends. One woman said to me that she never could figure out her Mom until this class. Another discovered that her daugher is a Type 4 and that she was approaching her in totally the wrong way. Another person told me that he understood for the first time why a possible relationship failed and he came to realize it wasn't his fault, it was just an incompatibility of types. One woman told me she wished she had this information many years ago as it might have saved her marriage.

All of this so heart warming to me. I have wanted to provide spiritual material that is interactive and integral to people's lives. The Enneagram has so many facets to it and is a wonderful path to growth and evolution. Some people are afraid that it will typecast them, but in reality it is liberating and offers new freedom and flexibility. We discover that we have many influences and options for how we want to be. We may also discover that our original perspective was flawed, that we didn't need to make the habitual response that we decided on based on that flawed perspective. We can even come to realize that we can make a new and better choice. Very inkeeping with New Thought philosophy. As we celebrate another Valentine's day let us be grateful for the many different ways in which we all show up. Let us appreciate our own unique individuality as a loved and loving expression of God.

Much love to you all.

Rev. Jerry