Capital Campaign

Dear members and friends of Unity,

Last Fall the Board of Trustees brought to the congregation a new lease, with an option to purchase agreement, which the congregation unanimously voted to accept. That decision paves the way for us to Fullfill Our Dream!

On Sunday, May 4th, Unity in the Gold Country launched a Capital Campaign to finalize our goal of purchasing the building at 180 Cambridge Court, which we have made our home.

Below is a brief summary of the reasons for this new campaign:

  • The relationship with the owner of the building in which we are housed has been strongly nurtured by our board; particularly due to the efforts of past president Sandy Spurgeon. The owners have now offered us an opportunity to purchase the building with much better terms.
  • The monthly long-term savings after purchase will be a minimum of $500 per month, or $6,000 per year, allowing us to expand our programs to better meet the needs of our congregants and the community at large.
  • More good news:  The required down payment, including reserves, puts the fundraising goal over the next two years at $200,000, roughly half of the original goal of the Hearts of Gold campaign in 2006-08.

We hope you were able to join us on Sunday, May 4 for the exciting launch or possibly you were with us on May 11th, for the “after service launch.” We will have more information for you in the coming months and will outline ways in which you can participate to help Fullfill Our Dream.

With warm regards and gratitude,

Reverend Jerry Farrell        Reverend Joe Sloan

Jim Doolittle                          Dennis Cassella                         Katherine Doolittle

President, Trustees             Co-Chair, Capital Campaign     Co-Chair, Capital Campaign

Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.